
Menter Morfa

Year 2 and 3 have a business company called MENTER MORFA to develop their entrepreneurial skills. They have opportunities to get involved in many research activities including interviewing Morfa shop & garage owners to learn more about how to develop a business. They have the opportunity to apply their numeracy skills seasonally through entrepreneurship tasks and learn more about profit and loss.

Menter Morfa is looking forward to this year's Christmas Fair, where they will create products to sell in order to make a profit for the enterprise.

At the Summer Fair, Menter Morfa sold birdhouses they had created in the class' woodwork area. In addition, they sold potatoes, carrots and onions from the school garden and made a profit which will ensure that they can buy more produce to plant in the garden for next year.


Cooking towards the Christmas fair
Thank you LLOND BOL for being busy cooking tasty biscuits to sell at the Christmas fair.



Christmas Decorations
LLOND BOL has been busy creating table decorations using evergreens. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!



Children in Need
Thank you to everyone who supported and contributed towards Children in Need today. We raised £77.05. Everyone dressed up and joined Joe Wicks and Pudsey in the Big Morning Move. Great ideas from the School Council. The business company LLOND BOL have been busy making healthy treats to sell to the children.

Click here to see more photos.


Enterprise Troopers
Congratulations to the 4 pupils who represented the school’s business LLOND BOL at the Enterprise Troopers competition. Being invited to the finals was an honour and an amazing experience. They enjoyed presenting their produce including strawberry jam, bara brith and treacle toffee. Congratulations to Nico Jones for being chosen as the Outstanding Individual!



Blackberry cakes
Click here to see photos of all the school pupils helping LLOND BOL to collect blackberries for their blackberry cakes. They sold the cakes to the children and parents. A very busy day!



Treacle toffee
Thank you to Mr Gwilym Griffiths for coming to school to share his special treacle toffee recipe with year 2 and 3. LLOND BOL sold the produce on their stall in the school’s Christmas fair and made a very good profit.



Recipe book
LLOND BOL decided to collect a variety of recipes from families of the school pupils. The recipes were put together to create a book, and they decorated each book in the Art and Craft area in the classroom. The recipe book was sold to the community in the Christmas fair to make a profit. Here is a photo of the children presenting the recipe book before the opening of the Christmas fair.



Santes Dwynwen biscuits
Thank you to LLOND BOL for cooking heart shaped biscuits to all the pupils today. They have been very busy following the recipe, measuring cooking and decorating. Everyone enjoyed them so much! Click here to see photos of our activities to celebrate Santes Dwynwen day.


LLOND BOL’s first produce – Welsh cakes
LLOND BOL made Welsh cakes with Sian Beca. Sian has her own catering business making and serving afternoon teas so the children were very lucky to learn her successful recipes.