Healthy School


Ysgol Morfa Nefyn is a healthy school! This means that we follow the 'Gwynedd Healthy schools scheme'. In July 2016, we received the National Quality Award which is phase 6 (the final phase) of the scheme. Keith Parry, the Educational Officer of Dwyfor and Ann Hughes from the Gwynedd healthy school scheme came to school to present the pupils with the new plaque.

Sponsored run

The scheme allows the school to contribute positively towards the health and welfare of the pupils, staff and the wider community by developing an environment which in turn encourages health.

The scheme allows the school to contribute positively towards the health and welfare of the pupils, staff and the wider community by developing an environment which in turn encourages health.




The ‘Healthy schools scheme’ introduces health and welfare issues by way of:

The National Curriculum of the school and the practical activities of the foundation phase
Ethos of the school and day to day activities
Developing the partnership which exists between the school and home as well as various other agencies.




Useful Healthy Schools Resources


Schoolbeat website
logo schoolbeat Click here to read useful information for parents on the schoolbeat website about:
- Drugs and substance misuse
- Social behaviour and the community
- Personal safety


Personal Development and Relationships Education

As part of the work to develop Personal and Social Education in school it is necessary for us to present Personal Development and Relationships Education.


Click here to read a booklet which provides you with information on what will be introduced to the children.








Football club

An after school football club was held during the World Cup celebrations. Everyone enjoyed taking part, and loved being Gareth Bale.



Walking To School Week 2019
Great effort again with everyone trying their best to walk to school every day. We received a silver certificate from (information coming soon).



Walking to school week May 2017

The school council decided to support walking to school week again in May, encouraging the children and parents to walk to school every morning and walk from school every afternoon. Click here to see photos of the children who received certificates for their effort.


Sponsored run

Sponsored run

Thank you to everyone who came to support the school and joined in the sponsored run on Morfa beach. Everyone had made an effort to wear fancy dress! The school organised the run to raise money towards buying new computers for the classrooms. Click here to see photos of every family in their fancy dress.




Gwenllian, a recycling officer, came to talk to Year 2 and 3 about the importance of recycling. They have been learning about the effect that pollution has on our environment in the Science lessons this term, focusing that pollution has a terrible effect on sea creatures. Click here to see photos of the activities.




Catrin, a road safety officer, came to school to teach the children about road safety as part of the ‘kerbcraft’ scheme. She took the children outside to the village to learn important skills. Click here to see photos.



The Gardening club

The gardening club was very successful again this year with every child from year 2 and 3 attending. They were taught a variety of new gardening skills. They planted colourful flowers to make the outside area attractive and also planted a variety of vegetables. Click here to see photos of the hard work!



Walking to school week May 2016

Carys Ofalus was invited to school again by the School Council. She reminded the children of road safety rules before the School Council encouraged them to walk to school daily. The staff, pupils and the road safety officer walked a short journey around the village to school on Monday morning to encourage everyone to continue throughout the term. Everyone enjoyed a tasty and healthy breakfast after arriving back at school. The School Council will take register of everyone who is walking to school every day and will award at the end of the term. Click here to see photos of the first morning.


No Smoking Day
Tuesday, 9th of March was ‘No Smoking Day’. Year 2 and 3 learned the dangers of smoking and the effects that it has on our bodies. They designed posters to remind the community of the importance of not smoking. As we are a ‘healthy school’, the children have displayed some of the posters in the school gates.



The Fire Service
Lance from the fire service came to school to discuss fire safety. We had a story about Tanni who set his house on fire by accident. We also looked at photos of rooms in our homes and recognised the dangers in every photo. Some of the children got to wear a fireman suit.



PC Owen
PC Owen came to school to talk to the children about his work. He discussed ‘online safety’ with Year 2 and 3 and the importance of “Don’t touch, tell!” about substances with meithrin, Derbyn and Year 1.



Cooking Club

Mr Ali from Polash in Pwllheli came to the cooking club this week to cook Indian food with the children. We learned about the Muslim faith and compared it to the Christian faith. We then created some healthy vegetable samosas.



Carys Ofalus Visit

Carys Ofalus came to school to congratulate the children on their effort in walking to school during the summer term. She also discussed and reminded the children about road safety. The session was very interesting.



Celebrating 10 years of the ‘Clwb Dal i Fynd’
‘Clwb Dal i Fynd’ was celebrating their 10th birthday on the 3rd of July. As a healthy school which takes part in the scheme by running one mile every week to keep fit and healthy, we were eager to celebrate! The school council decided that every child would wear a fancy dress to come to school and pay £1 to raise money for the air ambulance. Everyone ran 1 mile through the village in their fancy dress. The school council managed to raise £43 towards the air ambulance charity and we all had fun keeping fit and healthy! Gareth Davies, Ioan (year 1) and Gwenan (year 3)’s father came to school to talk to the children about his experience when running a marathon in France this year. He explained the importance of keeping healthy by discussing eating healthily, drinking plenty of water and taking part in physical activities.



Walking to School
We supported ‘Walk to School week’ again this year. Its aim is to promote being healthy and caring for the environment. Carys Ofalus came to school to teach the children about road safety. On Wednesday morning, all the staff and pupils walked a short journey around the village to school. Click here to see photos of the journey. Following a great effort by the children, the school Council decided to continue to award those who walked to school during the summer term.”7 children succeeded to walk to school more than three times a week for a period of 7 weeks! Here is a photo of them wearing their ‘Carys Ofalus’ t-shirts.



Activities at the Leisure Centre
We attend the leisure centre weekly throughout the year to have swimming, gymnastics and dance lessons. During the summer term, Year 2 and 3 have been taking part in various activities in the Leisure Centre. They all had the chance to take part in kayaking sessions, biking on the spinning bikes and climbing on the climbing wall. They had so much fun and worked very hard. Click here to see photos.


Cooking club

Cooking club
The cooking Club is held every year where the children have a range of opportunities to learn new basic cooking skills. This year, they cooked a variety of healthy foods including a ‘couscous salad with roasted vegetables and feta cheese’ and ‘funny faces pizzas’. Click here to see more photos.